SPS - South Pacific Seeds
SPS stands for South Pacific Seeds
Here you will find, what does SPS stand for in Food under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate South Pacific Seeds? South Pacific Seeds can be abbreviated as SPS What does SPS stand for? SPS stands for South Pacific Seeds. What does South Pacific Seeds mean?The Australia based company is located in Australia engaged in farming industry.
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Alternative definitions of SPS
- Solar Power Satellites
- The Society Of Physics Students
- Shock Protection System
- Superscript
- Switching Power Supply
- Small Polyp Stony
- Small Polyped Stony
- Strategic Products And Services
View 385 other definitions of SPS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SAMI Saudi Arabian Military Industries
- SIC Smart Infrastructure Company
- SCDS Samhita Community Development Services
- SIC Saratoga Investment Corp.
- SSI Sue Shine Inc
- SASCH Sub Acute Saratoga Childrens Hospital
- SDI Stage Directions Inc.
- SPL Stamford Partners LLP
- SSC Stout Street Chambers
- SAI Scientific Analysis Inc.
- SEC Shanghai Energy Corp.
- SGI Saab Group India
- SB School of Business
- SGL Scotch Gulf Lumber
- SCHHS Sea Crest Home Health Services
- STJ Sidney Thomas Jewelers
- STL Synoptic Technologies Ltd
- SCS Southlands Christian School
- SGCR The Sullivan Group of Court Reporters
- SHS Salesian High School